Main profile
Summary biography:
Roberta Piazza is Full Professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Catania, Department of Science of Education and Vice-Rector for Continuing Education. She is also Visiting Professor in the School of Education at the University of Glasgow. She holds a Ph.D. in Education (University of Naples), Ed.S degree in Design and evaluation of educational processes (University of Naples), Ed.S degree in Special education for disabled students in Secondary Schools (University of Naples), Ed. S. Degree in in Methods of school evaluation (University of Roma “La Sapienza”) and a Post Graduate Certificate in Classical Humanities, (University of Naples). She is a PASCAL Observatory Associate Director in Europe . Her teaching activity concerns Adult Education, the Pedagogy of lifelong learning, the Pedagogy of education and school policy, and European policies on Lifelong learning (connected in particular to her work within a Jean Monnet Programme). Her main research interests are focused on widening participation to education, lifelong guidance for work transition, learning cities, migration and refugee education, and teaching and learning in higher education.
Staff Profile
- University of Catania Grant to support research activities on the topic of guidance and competences recognition for refugees and immigrants (2017)
- Coordinator of the local unit in Erasmus + KA3 – Support for Policy Reform VET-Business Partnerships on Work-based learning and Apprenticeships, Refining Higher Education Apprenticeships with Enterprises in Europe (2017-2019) (585163-EPP-1-2017-1-BE-EPPKA3-VET-APPREN)
- Coordinator of the local unit in Erasmus+ Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Qualifications Framework as Platform for the development of learning outcomes based curriculum (QFP) (2016-2019) ( (34.167.000 euros)
- Coordinator of FIR project 2014 (University fundS) Developing learning cities. Indicators for evaluating Third Mission activities (fifth best project in the Humanities and Social sciences area)
- Coordinator of the local unit in ERASMUS ACADEMIC NETWORK, Network for Innovation in Career Guidance & Counselling in Europe NICE2 (2012-2014)
- Member of the team of national research project (PRIN 2012), titled Successo formativo, inclusione e coesione sociale: strategie innovative, ITC e modelli valutativi (Educational success, social inclusion and cohesion: innovative strategies, ICT and assessment models)
- Coordinator of the local unit in the Leonardo Da Vinci project (2008-2010) Expertising and Sharing Lifelong Guidance for the Placement (2008-1-IT1-LEO05-00055) (selected as one of the best project financed in 2008 - topic New skills and new jobs
- Member of the team of Socrates Grundtvig PenR3L, PASCAL European Network of Regions of LifeLong Learning (2006-2008)DISSEMINATION PROJECT - 225754-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G12
- Member of the team of international research Lilara (Learning in Local and Regional Authorities), 225754-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G12) (2005-2007)
- Member of the team of National Research Project approved and financed (PRIN 2005) titled Adult education between the two world wars (12 months)
- Member of the team of international research INDICATORS (Developing and testing indicators for monitoring and measuring stakeholder organisations in Learning Cities and Region), 02-EUR01-S2G02-00017-1 (2004-2006)
- Member of the team of National Research Project approved and financed (PRIN 2003/04) titled La formazione della gioventù italiana tra le due guerre mondiali per la costruzione dell’identità nazionale, School Education between the two world wars (12 months)
Professor Piazza's research activities include:
Selected Publications:
Piazza, R, (2017) L’esperto in career guidance. Formazione e ruolo professionale, Milano, FrancoAngeli ISBN 9788820450625
Piazza R, Magnano P, and Zammitti A (2017). CAREER GUIDANCE IN MULTICULTURAL CONTEXTS: An Italian Case Study. In: (ed): Sultana R.G., Career Guidance and Livelihood Planning Across the Mediterranean: Challenging Transitions in South Europe and the MENA Region. vol. 20, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 351-370, ISBN: 9789463009904
Piazza, R. (2017) L’esperto in career guidance: una difficile costruzione, in R. Piazza (ed) L’esperto in career guidance. Formazione e ruolo professionale, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2017, pp. 7-20. ISBN 9788820450625
Piazza, R. (2017) Creating learning opportunities for the cities. Community engagement and third mission in the University of Catania (2017) In J. James, J. Preece, R. Valdes-Cotera (Eds), Entrepreneurial Learning City Regions. Delivering on the UNESCO 2013
Laitinen I., Piazza R., Stenvall J., Adaptive learning in smart cities – The cases of Catania and Helsinki, Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 2017, Vol. 23(1), pp. 119–137
Piazza R. and Rizzari S. (2016), Il modello del work-based learning, Roma, Aracne, 2016, ISBN 978-88-548-8626-1
Mulvey R and Piazza R (2016). Quality assurance and enhancement: policy and practice. In: (a cura di): Schiersmann C., Einarsdóttir S., Katsarov J., Lerkkanen, J., Mulvey R., Pouyaud, J., Pukelis K., Weber P. , European Competence Standards for the Academic Training of Career Professionals; NICE Handbook Volume 2. pp. 79-88, OPLADEN: Barbara Budrich Publishers, ISBN: 978-3-8474-0504-7
Tramma S and Piazza R (2016). Servizi e percorsi di educazione e cura per le prime età della vita. In: (a cura di): Dozza L, Ulivieri S., L’educazione permanente a partire dalle prime età della vita. pp. 647-649, MILANO: FrancoAngeli, 9788891747204
Piazza R. (2015) Le learning city: storia e sviluppo di un modello di città per il futuro in B. da Vela (a cura di), La città che apprende. Atti della terza edizione del festival dei Saperi, Comune di Scandicci, 29-30 novembre 2013, 2015, pp. 118-137 ISBN: 9788894109306
Piazza R. (2015) Learning city: la sfida dell’inclusione sociale, in M. Tomarchio, S. Ulivieri (a cura di), Pedagogia militante. Diritti, culture, territori, Pisa: ETS, 2015, 221-233, ISBN 978884674372
Piazza, R. (2015) Creare efficaci ambienti di apprendimento. Formazione iniziale, formazione continua, bisogni di formazione dei docenti talis. Scuol@europa, vol. 19, pp. 4-7, ISSN: 2038-3185
Piazza, R. (2015) Educazione all’imprenditorialità, orientamento all’iniziativa. Entrepreneurship Education, Initiative Guidance, Pedagogia oggi, pp. 72-90, ISSN: 1827-0824
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