We are delighted to be able to share a report by Ralph St. Clair of the University of Victoria, Canada:
Maximising Mobility: Qualification Frameworks as a Strategy to Support Adult Learners
Post date:
Wednesday, 26 February, 2025
We are delighted to be able to share a report by Ralph St. Clair of the University of Victoria, Canada:
Maximising Mobility: Qualification Frameworks as a Strategy to Support Adult Learners
PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE! Now at 1a The Square, University of Glasgow.
Join us for an event marking the contributions to research made by Emeritus Prof Mike Osborne through his leadership and support for the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning. The event includes lunch, a series of speakers and closing drinks. See below and in the attached flyer for more information.
Welcome to the June MOJA Newsletter. Depending on where you are on the continent, it’s either starting to get hot or cold. Partners continued to surprise us in June, sharing amazing examples of ongoing adult education efforts.
Germany's tenth National Education Report was published on 17 June. The report is jointly compiled every two years by a group of authors from six research institutes and statistical offices, including Prof. Dr. Josef Schrader and Jonathan Kohl from the German Institute for Adult Education.
Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) invites you to join the Eleventh session of Kerala Urban Dialogues, hosted by the Department of Architecture and Planning at NIT Calicut and Municipal Corporation of Kozhikode on the theme “Creative Economies and Creative Cities"
We are pleased to inform subscribers that our article "Learning from the past for the future: Signposts and landmark anniversaries in adult learning and education" has been published online in the International Review of Education. This article which Maria Slowey, Khau Phuoc and I have written is an an Introduction to the International Reseach in Education Special Issue on ALE Signposts, and was started with the late Chris Duke some time ago.
The Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP), in cooperation with Springer’s International Handbook of Lifelong Learning, launches a new series of webinars to present cutting-edge research on lifelong learning to an interested audience. In a compact format, individual research findings and critical reflections on burning issues, such as the ecology of lifelong-lifewide learning for sustainable generative futures or learning for climate justice will be presented and discussed in the focus of social/political and the economic.
There are currently exceptional pressures on local authority budgets in the UK, and it can seem almost inevitable that adult and lifelong learning provision is likely to suffer. At the same time, post-compulsory education rarely gets much attention in the UK press, and within that broad category adult and lifelong learning probably gets the least. There may thus be a risk that adult education and lifelong learning in the UK might pass away quietly, without anybody much noticing.
We are pleased to provide details of the conference, Education for All: Challenging Orthodoxies and Fostering Inclusion, which is to be held at Somerville College Oxford on 4 April 2024. This one day event is being organised in collaboration with the Council for Education in the Commonwealth in honour of the late Professor Lalage Bown.
A new book "Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives" was published just before Xmas 2023 in honour of the adult educator par excellence, Professor Lalage Bown, who died just over two years ago. Edited by Maria Slowey, Heribert Hinzen, Michael Omolewa and myself, it contains contributions from many esteemed adult educators, many from the core CR&DALL team and others beyond, particularly those with connections to Africa.
University of Glasgow
Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL)
University of Glasgow, St. Andrew's Building, 11 Eldon Street, Glasgow G3 6NH, Scotland
tel: +44 (0) 141 330 1835
email: [email protected]
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