Main profile
Summary biography:
Dr Peter Welsh is Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Education. Head of Evaluation at Traverse Ltd and is Vice-President of the UK Evaluation Society. He has extensive public, private and education sector experience in the design, management and successful delivery of high profile strategies, projects and programmes. He is a specialist in innovation in the collection and use of primary and secondary data, research and change management notably in the field of regional economic development
Staff Profile
Peter Welsh has been active in the PASCAL Observatory hosted by CR&DALL since 2004 and served as Board member 2005-2010. He co-curated the 2012 PASCAL International Conference Brest 2012 and has acted as co-editor on two PASCAL books. He currently contributes to the place-making and regional development activities of PASCAL and actively serves in PIMA (Pascal International Membership Association) as its first Vice-President. Dr Welsh’s substantive post is Head of Evaluation at the employee owned agency “Traverse” (formerly Office for Public Management). He is very experienced in running large project projects, including many funded by the UK Government and the EU. His research work has variously been in the field of place-making, workforce, experiential learning, social investment, the links between universities and local government and cross-national comparative methods, all areas of interest for the School. He is a very experienced practitioner having previously been Head of Research and Intelligence at Kent County Council and as a sessional lecturer on the Masters of Public Administration at Sciences Po, Paris. He holds a PhD in comparative European policy analysis and he is trilingual in English, French and Spanish
Selected Publications:
Carlot, C., Filloque, J.-M., Osborne, M. and Welsh, P. (Eds.) (2015) The Role of Higher Education in Regional and Community Development and in the Time of Economic Crisis. NIACE: Leicester. ISBN 9781862018907
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