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Summary biography:
Lynette is a lecturer on the Bachelor of Arts in Community Development (BACD). She also contributes to the MEd in Community Learning & Development and has taught in the MSc in Community Development. She is also a member of the Social Justice, Place and Lifelong Education (SJPLE) Research Group.
Staff Profile
Lynette’s research includes evaluation of local community organisations and courses such as Activate. She has an interest in youth work as a previous practitioner with 15 years experience. She has also written about work-based learning and the experiences of work-based learning students.
She has an interest in women’s community organisations abroad and has worked in Croatia, Turkey and Zambia with women’s organisations as a facilitator for the Active Learning Centre.
More recently she was the PI for a DelPHE/Iraq project working in Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq with Dr Catherine Bovill of the Learning and Teaching Centre at the University and Natalie Watters a PhD student in the School of Education. This project provided face-to-face professional academic development sessions on student-centred learning, blended with some online support and learning exercises for staff to complete over the course of one year.
She is currently PI in collaboration with Professor Mike Osborne and Dr Robert Hamilton for the EUROlocal project which provides an information and knowledge exchange space for those interested in promoting and establishing learning regions and cities. This is part-funded by the European Commission and is a partnership with LRD Germany, Universus Italy and the University of Pecs in Hungary. The EUROlocal Project is a collaboration between many of the leading proponents of learning regions development, providing a central repository of more than two decades of data, tools, indicators, reports, videos, projects, recommendations, plans, strategies, learning materials - a wealth of potentially valuable knowledge for all EU regions.
She is a partner in a recently approved LLP Grundtvig Learning Partnership project ExReMet (Exploring The Rehabilitation Methods of The Women Exposed To Domestic Violence at European Level) which is led by the Izmir Governorship (Provincial Directorate of Social Studies and Projects) in Turkey. This will run from October 2013 to May 2015.
Selected Publications:
Jordan, L. (2013) 'The role of the university in challenging the current hegemonic ideas and policies' in Carlot, C., Filloque, J-M, Osborne, M. and Welsh, P. (2013) (Eds.) Universities in a time of crises their role in regional development. Leicester: NIACE (In Press)
Jordan, L., Henry, K., McKerracher, G., and McNair, S. (2012) Community Development, Higher Education Institutions and the Big Society: Opportunities or opportunism? In: ‘Which way now to widen participation: Lifelong Learning, Economy and Society’ . London: Forum for Access and Continuing Education (FACE) Publications.
Hamilton, R., and Jordan, L. (2011) Learning cities: the United Kingdom experience. In: Kearns, P., Kling, S. and Wistman, C. (eds.) Heritage, Regional Development and Social Cohesion. Jamtli, pp. 193-228.
Hamilton, R., and Jordan, L. (2010) Heritage and social inclusion in development of cultural capital: preliminary findings from the Eurolocal project. In: 8th Pascal Observatory International Conference, 22-24 June 2010, Ostersund, Sweden.
Jordan, L. and Martin, H. (2009) Making banners and bridges: Working together on global themes. In: CRLL International Conference 2009 Lifelong Learning Revisited: What next? , Tues 23rd - Fri 26th June 2009, University of Stirling.
Jordan, L, and Quinn, E (2009) Developing Equal Opportunities in Croatia. Annual Research Journal, Women's Studies Centre of DAV College for Girls, Yamunanagar, Haryana, India
Jordan, L, and Quinn, E (2009) Resilience and Renewal: women's Organisations in Croatia Participating in the Process of Sustaining and Rebuilding a Society in Transition. Annual Research Journal, Women's Studies Centre of DAV College for Girls, Yamunanagar, Haryana, India
Jordan, L., and Margaryan, T. (2009) Armenian women and accession to the European Union. In: International Multidisciplinary Women's Congress, 13-16 Oct 2009, Izmir, Turkey.
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