Recent CR&DALL Projects

This section covers recent CR&DALL work which is now closed.


PASCAL Universities for a Modern Renaissance (PUMR)

PUMR is an ongoing and developing programme undertaken by the PASCAL Obseratory and operated  through CR&DALL from the University of Glasgow.  It focusses on college and university clients who commit to using the best principles of social capital, place management, and life-long learning to inspire and sustain strategic partnerships with policy makers, professional practitioners (both public and private), businesses and communities in their regions to secure improvement to regional competitiveness and the quality of life for all residents. 

Research Universities and their Regions (RUR/U21)

A PASCAL International Observatory project, but with synergies with CRADALL work. The Universities of Auckland, Glasgow and Melbourne have been funded to establish an interest group of academics within the fields of Lifelong Learning, Regional Development and cognate disciplines to share strategic vision, best practice and engage in benchmarking activities. The focus is on effective knowledge transfer, 3rd mission activities, and other engagements that contribute to regional development and to the success of our institutions.

PASCAL Universities Regional Engagement (PURE) project

PURE is a major international study undertaken by PASCAL International Observatory and operated through CR&DALL from the University of Glasgow.

PURE has extended and developed previous work of the OECD to a series of new regions, and develops PASCAL International themes through applied consultancy. Nineteen regions were involved in the first cohort from 2009 to 2011. A number of new regions are expected to join in 2011 and beyond.
