Recent CR&DALL Projects

This section covers recent CR&DALL work which is now closed.


Continuing Intercultural Professional Development in Europe

This project was funded from 2007-2009 within the EC's Lifelong Learning Programme under its Comenius Multilateral Project strand.  Dr Alan Britton was the concept developer and PI,  The project involved supporting the development of teachers’ intercultural understanding through online professional engagement across five European countries.

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International Students in Scottish Higher Education: Institutional Settings and Individual Life Projects and Identity Change

The project funded through the Adam Smith Foundation Seedcorn Fund with Marta Moskal as PI aims to develop a better understanding of the driving forces and resources of these students’ international migration to Scotland and to explore how their identities are transformed by their experiences in Scotland. Moreover, the research will examine the role of Scottish universities to develop strength among students in terms of their strategic positioning within the global labour market as well as building a moral sense of global solidarity.

Portfolio of Integration (POI) Project

This Comenius multilateral project within the EC's LLP involved five participating countries (Greece, Italy, Poland, Turkey and the UK).

The main aims of the Portfolio of Integration (POI) project were to test and validate the Notebook of Integration in different national contexts and to adapt the particular content to such contexts. The Notebook itself is an observational and evaluative toolkit originally developed by Oxfam Italia to enhance teachers’ knowledge skills and pedagogy in order to improve the educational integration of migrant/new arrival school students.

Migrating medical professional knowledge: Learning to regulate the profession

In 2011 37% of doctors in UK completed their qualifying medical education outside of the UK. This study explores two issues: (1) how employers of doctors assess a doctor’s professional knowledge; and (2) how medical professional knowledge is impacted by incorporating the practices of non-UK doctors.  Employers play a critical role in the regulation of medical services, having responsibility for assessing medical and linguistic competency of doctors (GMC, 2012, p. 26).
