WAHED24 is a unique collaboration between the WAHED and the Asia Europe Foundation, Equity Practitioners in Higher Education Australasia (EPHEA) & National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE), the Lumina Foundation, the University of Nairobi and the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC).
WAHED24 is a series of 6 free online conferences that bring together thought leaders from across the world to identify solutions to the challenges of driving forward equitable access and success in higher education in the context of the global pandemic. This unique series of conferences is an unprecedented attempt to develop the global exchange of practice and ideas that are essential if we are to support those from low-income/marginalised backgrounds to enter higher education and reach their potential at this time.
Places are limited at WAHED24 and we strongly encourage early registration.
To register for one or more of the WAHED24 events please go to: https://worldaccesshe.com/events/world-access-to-higher-education-day-global-conference-series/(link is external).
The 6 conferences include:
- Australasia - The first conference of the day will examine how equity practitioners make a difference to learners’ higher education with contributions from Professor Sally Kift, President of the Australian Learning and Teaching Fellows (ALTF), current students and practitioners this offers an excellent start, and celebration for WAHED 2020.
- Asia – This conference will introduce perspectives from Asia (covering South, Southeast, East Asia) on the current and emerging challenges presented by COVID-19 related to access and success for marginalised sectors in higher education. Speakers include representatives from the Philippine Commission on Higher Education, Office of the Education Council, Thailand and the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation, Regional Centre for Higher Education and Development (SEAMEO RIHED)
- Africa - The University of Nairobi is a research-intensive university with a reputation for excellence and a strong and vibrant research culture. We are excited to announce that they will be leading the African conference of the WAHED Global Conference Series. Further details on the African conference will follow in forthcoming WAHED newsletters.
- Europe – The European conference will look at the data and evidence on how Covid-19 is shaping inequality across the world including perspectives from the international student movement, policymakers and university leaders. Speakers include representatives from the World Bank, Qatar Foundation, European Students Union and the Department of Higher Education in Austria.
- North America - This conference will discuss the hardships faced by under-represented students globally because of COVID-19 and the effectiveness of policies and practices put in place to help protect them. It will also feature a panel of U.S. higher education leaders on the specific measures put in place since the outbreak to support the access and success of their low-income and students of color.
- Latin America –The event focuses on ‘Inequalities in Access to Higher Education by Disadvantaged Populations in the Latin American and Caribbean Region in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic’. Speakers include the Director of the UNESCO IESALC and university Rectors from Brazil and Nicaragua.
All events are free of charge and you may attend as few, or as many, as you like. Please join us on the 17th of November and help us to raise global awareness around inequalities in access and success in higher education (HE).
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