University of Glasgow Professor to chair Scotland’s refugee integration partnership and strategy


A University of Glasgow professor and human rights advocate will lead the partnership supporting refugees and asylum seekers rebuilding their lives in Scotland, it was announced today (1 May 2018).

Professor Alison Phipps will take over as the Chair of the New Scots Core Group(link is external) at the end of this month.

New Scots is a partnership between the Scottish Government, The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)(link is external) and the Scottish Refugee Council(link is external), to help support the integration of refugees and asylum seekers in their new Scottish communities.

Angela Constance, the Equalities Secretary, said:

I am delighted that Professor Alison Phipps is to be the chair of Scotland’s second New Scots refugee integration strategy. Professor Phipps’ extensive knowledge and experience supporting refugees and asylum seekers will prove invaluable to New Scots partners. 

I look forward to working with Professor Phipps in her new role, as we strive to achieve the New Scots vision for a welcoming Scotland where refugees and asylum seekers are able to rebuild their lives from the day they arrive.

Professor Alison Phipps takes over the chair, which is an independent position supported by the strategy’s key partners, from Dr Alison Strang of Queen Margaret University, who is stepping down.

Professor Phipps, the UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts and Professor of Languages and Intercultural Studies at the University, said:

I am delighted to take up this role and to continue the excellent work of my predecessor Dr Alison Strang.



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