We are pleased to provide a link to a new podcast from the CR&DALL project 'Educational Peacebuilding in Medellin Acapulco, Understanding the Role of Education, Culture and Learning in Responding to Crises'.
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The 17th Higher Education Reform conference was held from 21-23 June at the Univesity of Glasgow with some 150+ delegates from 30 countries hosted by CR&DALL. The focus of HER over the years has been research investigating various aspects of policy reforms and other major changes in higher education, and at this conference the specific focus was the role of universities in addressing the SDGs. We have pleasure in posting now concluding remarks made by HER Board member, Germán Álvarez Mendiola, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados (Cinvestav), Mexico. We also attach the final programme for the conference with all abstracts. Many of these are in the process of being developed into book chapters and journal articles.
Our close friends and colleagues, Rajesh Tandon and Budd Hall oversee the Knowledge for Change Mentor Training Programme (MTP) in Community-based research. This programme offers learning opportunities for university and community knowledge workers to take a 21-week course in teaching Community Based Research, and has been operating for five years.
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