Latest News

Please note also that CR&DALL cannot be responsible for the accuracy of information provided to us by outside bodies. Further information about the event or activity should be sought from the contacts given in that section as this is likely to be the sum total of information provided to us.

There is an exciting opportunity for a 34 month position to work on the VET PREP (VET participation, retention, and educational policies) project, based at the University of Glasgow and working with Prof Simon McGrath and colleagues. The position is advertised here, plus more information below.

The Water and Fire project, co-led by CR&DALL Director Anna Wilson, used a range of participatory processes to mobilise local knowledges and place literacies about climate-change exacerbated hazards in South Africa’s Cape Flats. In the latest publication from the project, led by Prof Laurence Piper, the team describes how they engaged local authorities and other stakeholders with both key findings and the community co-researchers who generated them.

The University of Bucharest, in collaboration with CIVIS, CIVICA and King’s College London, is hosting an international conference Reflexivity in Higher Education: Liberation or Entrapment?

On 27th August, CR&DALL and the University of Glasgow School of Education were pleased to host students and staff from Visual Arts at New College Lanarkshire for an event celebrating artworks produced by students studying at the College in 2023/4.

The 20th Gender and Education Association International Conference 2024. was hosted at Charles Sturt University's main campus in beautiful Port Macquarie, Australia from 17th-20th June 2024. It was organised by the Gender and Education Association (GEA), whose aim has always been to fight for gender equality within and through education.
