We are very pleased to be able to publish the latest Briefing Paper from our sister organisation, the PASCAL Observatory. This is Briefing Paper 30 of the observatory and concerns the role of Aesthetic Education in developing Learning Cities, a key focus of PASCAL's work. Amongst the co-authors are a number of University of Glasgow staff members, current, honorary and emeritus (Jim Conroy, Catherine Lido, Maggie McColl, Rob Mark and Mike Osborne), some also members of CR&DALL. The lead author of the paper is Annie Tujbadi from Swansea University and other co-authors are Peter Baur, an Associate Director of PASCAL Africa at the University of Johannesburg, Balazs Nemeth, Associate Director of PASCAL Europe at the University of Pecs, and Henrik Zipsane, President of the European Museum Academy, a close collaborator in the Erasmus Mundus Masters in Museums and Heritage co-ordinated from the University of Glasgow.
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