Standing Up For Education


We are a group of academics and educational researchers who support the broad policy agenda presented in the NUT‘s Stand Up for Education(link is external) campaign. We see the Stand up for Education initiative as a welcome attempt to present a much more positive and optimistic vision of education than that currently on offer (see our statement of support and list of signatories).

Using the site:

This site is intended as a resource for anyone involved in campaigning for the ideas, principles and policies reflected in the Stand Up for Education manifesto. Teachers, union and community activists, school governors – we hope you will all find the material here useful. The site is organised around five themes – which reflect the key themes in the manifesto. Each theme has a page on this site [see tool bar], and on each page there are briefing notes covering different aspects of the theme. The briefing notes are intentionally short and concise summaries on key topics which we hope you find helpful. [If you can’t find what you are looking for – try the ‘tags’ feature on the right hand side of the page.

More detailed papers relating to each theme can be found by following the link on each of the theme pages. All material provided here is downloadable and copyright free. Views presented are those of the named authors.

On the site so far: Terry Wrigley on Ofsted, Nadia Edmond and Jon Berry on Teacher Training, Sarah Amsler on governance, Richard Hatcher on Children's Zones, Linda Hammersley-Fletcher on teachers wrestling with policy shifts, Valerie Coultas 'Thinking out of the exams box', Pam Woolner on poor buildings, Ken Jones on local democracy and Martin Allen on youth unemployment and underemployment.

More to follow and more welcome!

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Discussion topics: 

CR&DALL Themes: 
