Sage’s SDG 4: Quality Education collection and JACE


We are delighted to let CR&DALL subscribers know about the launch of Sage’s SDG 4: Quality Education collection relating to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4: ‘to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning for all’.

The collection of 75 journal articles and other resources is just a sample of the research we publish which supports the development of equitable, high-quality education globally. 

In 2021 Sage signed the SDG Publishers Compact and we are committed to accelerating the achievement of the SDGs through the content we publish, and also in our initiatives to improve equity, diversity and inclusion in our publishing programme.  You may already have seen our Independence with Impact Report 2023  which contains details on how we serve the higher education community.   

The Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, edited by CR&DALL Director Michael Osborne, has content included in the sections on: Affordable Technical, Vocational, and Higher Education for Financial Success AND Universal Literacy and Numeracy as follows:


CR&DALL Themes: 
