CR&DALL seminar - Learning to construct our LGBT identities in mid to later life: lessons for older adult education

University of Glasgow, School of Education
Room 227
11 Eldon St.
Glasgow G3 6NH
United Kingdom
Wednesday, 16 March, 2016 - 15:30 to 17:00

Seminar Series: 

“People in my generation have come through quite a number of battles in order to be honest and open”

In this seminar, Dr Chris McAllister will draw from a biographical and life history study in Scotland, conducted with 34 older (45 years+) lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) adults. The study aimed to critically explore the potentially distinctive nature and impact of how, when and where older LGBT adults learn to construct their identities over their lives. The seminar focuses on the implications of the study for older adult education and post work, later life learning in particular.  He will explore how the participants’ narratives extend the interpretive scope of Critical Educational Gerontology (CEG) and its counter ageist stance that is based on a vision and practice of empowering later life learning.  He’ll consider the questions the study raises about:  

  • what is unique and why, in the nature and impact of life-wide, informal and non-formal learning in the later lives of LGBT identified adults;
  • what might be the challenges and possibilities for development of inclusive intergenerational learning opportunities between younger and older LGBT adults

Chris McAllister is a lecturer at Glasgow Caledonian University, in the Learning Development Centre. He teaches academic writing across all levels and programmes in the School for Business & Society. His teaching is informed by Critical Academic Literacies theory, research and pedagogy. He is committed to widening access to HE for adult learners from diverse backgrounds and creating inclusive learning and teaching environments through which they can engage critically and confidently in their respective studies. Chris has recently completed a PhD that explored the unique learning experiences of older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender adults from across Scotland.   He is interested in the nature, purposes and impact of learning in mid to later life, in non-formal and formal settings, and its contribution to the empowerment of older learners. His recent study has highlighted further research possibilities with which to develop understanding of the nature of life-deep and inter-generational learning for marginalised societal groups.

All are welcome, but a reservation is essential. Please RSVP to sends e-mail) to book your place.

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