CR&DALL Briefing Paper 4 (BP4) - Education in Prisons

CR&DALL Briefing Paper 4 (BP4) - Education in Prisons

We are delighted to publish the latest CR&DALL Briefing Paper from CR&DALL member, Dr Yvonne Skipper, Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Education within the School of Education at the University of Glasgow, The paper entitled, ‘Education in Prisons’, considers the ways in which educational opportunities can be created in prison settings, and draws upon her own work in the White Waters Writers(link is external) project which involved male prisoners collaboratively writing and publishing  a full-length novel for their children.

A more detailed paper exploring the impact of White Water Writers can be found at this link(link is external).

Prison is major site of adult education, and often neglected. Yvonne’s contribution and innovative approach is very welcome.


Yvonne Skipper

Discussion topics: 

CR&DALL Themes: 

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