ASEM LLL Hub News March 2013


Welcome to the new issue of ASEM LLL News which contains up-to-date information about the ASEM LLL Hub’s research and the latest news items on lifelong learning policies and practices in ASEM countries.

Highlights of this issue are:

  • The latest comparative research on Workplace Learning in ten Asian and European countries
  • The new book entitled Curriculum for Global Adult Learning and Education
  • The new web portal of ASEM member countries’ LLL policies and practices.

The next issue of ASEM LLL News will appear in early May 2013. You are invited to send short pieces of news on research, new publications, policy analysis and events via email to [email protected].

Thank you and best wishes

Que Anh Dang
Editor of ASEM LLL News
Head of the ASEM LLL Hub Secretariat
Department of Education, Aarhus University


New Book ‘Decoding the Meanings of Learning at Work in Asia and Europe’

Employee perceptions and practices towards work-related learning are shaped by a complex set of personal, social and organisational factors. The patterns may also differ between countries and cultures. This topic draws inspiration and benefits from the Asia–Europe exchange and debate. In 2010, ten Asian and European member countries of the ASEM LLL Hub Research Network 2 on Workplace Learning conducted a survey on workplace learning in selected industrial and occupational sectors, using a standard instrument developed by network members. The results were published in May 2012, bringing together the data sets and country reports from eight countries (four in Asia: China, Japan, Malaysia and Thailand; and four in Europe: Austria, Latvia, Lithuania and the Netherlands) in order to present a comparative analysis. Click on the cover to read the book.


Please watch the video clip ‘Overlapping Worlds: Asian and European Experiences of Learning and Working’ with  the key findings of the comparative analysis presented by Professor Lynne Chisholm, University of Innsbruck, Austria, and Dr Theo van Dellen, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Click on the photo to start the video.


Professor Han SoongHee of Seoul National University, and Coordinator of the ASEM LLL Hub Research Network 5 on Core Competences, has edited the latest issue of the journal Comparative Education ‘Dialogue of the East and the West: Searching for New Perspectives’. He contends that education is still a major mode for the transmission of culture and that seeking to understand these cultural differences is part of our human quest and at the heart of our discipline. The papers in this selection try to capture something of the cultural differences between the countries from which they emanate rather than focusing on the convergence of cultures; although they recognise this potentiality, their concern is in seeking to understand the cultural differences.


Susanne Lattke of the German Institute for Adult Education, a member of the ASEM LLL Hub Research Network 3 on Professionalisation of Adult Teachers, is one of the authors of the new book entitled Curriculum for Global Adult Learning and Education. This book introduces the GlobALE Curriculum which sets out a basic qualification for adult educators worldwide. By providing a benchmark that spans all continents, the GlobALE project is so far unique in its aim of driving forward the professionalisation of adult education on an international scale. At the core of the curriculum is a set of competences which are of universal relevance to adult educators. This standard-setting provides the basis for a modular training programme which may be flexibly adapted to different context and varying needs - thus taking full account of the fact that adult education and learning are always deeply embedded in their social context. You can click on the cover to read the book.


The European University Association has held a discussion on massive open online courses (MOOCs) and their potential impacts. The main concept is to offer online education courses free of charge. For some, MOOCs stand for a ‘learning revolution’ that provides high-quality education at low costs and unprecedented prospects for enhancing global access and participation. Please read the paper, authored by Michael Gaebel, which has now been published online. Click on the cover to read the paper. (Source: EUA).
eLearning Papers is currently accepting submissions that address the challenges and future of MOOCs, a trend in education that has skyrocketed since 2008. Issue 33, ‘MOOCs and Beyond’, seeks to both generate debate and coalesce a variety of critical perspectives into a fruitful body of research. The deadline for the submission of papers for this issue has been extended until 8 April. For more information please click here.


Policy and Practices

New Portal of ASEM National Strategies for Lifelong Learning
The ASEM LLL Hub Secretariat has recently developed a web portal containing a vast database of National Strategies for Lifelong Learning in 49 ASEM countries. Our database gives you the opportunity to access various policies, practices and successful initiatives in Asia and Europe.  This web portal is a work-in-progress and will be updated in the coming months with contributions from the various countries. Thereafter reviews and updates will also be added periodically.
Please vist the portal and contact us to exchange more information here.

Events and Information

SEAMEO Policy Forum on LLL and SEAMEO LLL Centre

The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) will convene its 47th Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, on 19–21 March 2013. The Education Ministers of 11 member countries will officially sign the legal documents for the establishment of the SEAMEO Regional LLL Centre located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.


A Policy Forum ‘Lifelong Learning in Southeast Asia: Policy and Vision’ will be held during the conference. The ASEM LLL Hub’s Chair, Dr Claus Holm, will be sharing information on the Nordic approach to lifelong learning and cooperation between the ASEM LLL Hub and the SEAMEO LLL Centre.

Over the years since the establishment of SEAMEO in 1965, the SEAMEO Council Conference has been the highest level of all SEAMEO meetings where the SEAMEO Council sets the directions of programmes and projects of SEAMEO and its units such as the SEAMEO Regional Centres and the SEAMEO Secretariat. For more information click here.


The ASEM LLL Hub Research Network 4 (RN4) on National LLL Strategies will hold its research seminar at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) in Hamburg, Germany, on 2–3 April 2013. Twenty network members will present the first results of the ongoing joint project on ‘National Lifelong Learning Policy Review’ and plan a publication.
Within the framework of the ASEM LLL Hub, RN4 serves as a forum for presenting and exchanging knowledge, ideas and experiences of lifelong learning policies and practices in a broad range of European and Asian countries.

Facebook page

The Facebook page of the ASEM LLL Hub was launched as a new channel to communicate with a wider audience in Asia and Europe in a more efficient and friendly way. This page also gives better access to the articles of the ASEMagazine for Lifelong Learning, raises public awareness and generates debate. Please stay connected and updated with us on facebook.


As a follow-up to the 2012 China–EU High Level People-to-People Dialogue, the Chinese government continues to offer ‘European Window’ scholarships. The purpose of this programme is to expand student and scholar exchanges between China and the European Union. There are 198 scholarships for this academic year (September 2013 to July 2014).
The deadline for application is 30 April 2013. For more information please click here.


The Fourth Meeting of the Ministers for Education of the ASEM countries entitled ‘Strategizing ASEM Education Collaboration’ will be held on 13–14 May 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The international conference ‘Skilling the Future – VET and Workplace Learning for Economic Success’, co-organised by the OECD and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), will take place in Leipzig, Germany, during the WorldSkills Leipzig 2013 event. For more information please click here


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Facts: Circulation of ASEM LLL News: 2,200 recipients in 49 ASEM countries.

The ASEM LLL Hub, established in 2005, is an official network of Asian and European higher education institutions, working and learning together to achieve excellence in comparative research on lifelong learning, to offer research-based policy recommendations, and to develop mutual understanding between Asia and Europe.


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