Policy study network conference 2014 - second call

At the moment I'm at the ESREA triennial conference in Berlin. Today is the second day of the conference and it is a day full of very interesting presentations on different aspects and areas of adult learning and education.

I'm very glad to announce the second call for papers to The 2014 conference of the ESREA research network on Policy studies in Adult Education, June 18-20, Aalborg, Denmark. See the attached file for more information.

Now you can also find information about the 2014 conference of the ESREA research network on Between Global and Local: Adult learning and Development, June 26-27, University of Lisbon. Please visit:

http://globalandlocal.ie.ul.pt(link is external).

All the best,

Sofia from ESREA triennial conference in Berlin


PDF icon ESREA policy Aalborg 2014 call2.pdf581.57 KB