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The latest issue of the European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults is available online:

This issue includes seven articls on a range of topics, from adult education, democracy and totalitarianism to drop-out rates among volunteer fire-fighters.

We are delighted to be able to share a report by Ralph St. Clair of the University of Victoria, Canada:

Maximising Mobility: Qualification Frameworks as a Strategy to Support Adult Learners

Low water levels in a Scottish loch

CRADALL Director Anna Wilson gave the opening presentation at the recent Climate Horizon 2040 conference, arguing for the central role of adult, lifelong and community learning in responding to climate change in Scotland.

We're delighted to announce a new project, funded by the Society for Research in Higher Education and led by CRADALL Director Anna Wilson.

Surveillance imaginaries among Chinese postgraduate students studying in the UK 

The project builds on Anna's prior work with Jen Ross of the University of Edinburgh.

UALL – SCUTREA Conference 2025 Call for Papers

GO HIGHER – Lifelong Learning as the heart of sustainable, equitable and future facing universities

The UALL - SCUTREA Conference will be held at the University of Liverpool, hosted by the Go Higher Humanities Access Diploma, on 16 -18 June 2025.

There is a new call for contributions to a Special Issue of the journal Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung (Journal for Research on Adult Education) on Adult Learning in the Context of Work, edited by Katrin Kraus and Gabriele Molzberger. 

There is an exciting opportunity for a 34 month position to work on the VET PREP (VET participation, retention, and educational policies) project, based at the University of Glasgow and working with Prof Simon McGrath and colleagues. The position is advertised here, plus more information below.

The Water and Fire project, co-led by CR&DALL Director Anna Wilson, used a range of participatory processes to mobilise local knowledges and place literacies about climate-change exacerbated hazards in South Africa’s Cape Flats. In the latest publication from the project, led by Prof Laurence Piper, the team describes how they engaged local authorities and other stakeholders with both key findings and the community co-researchers who generated them.

Professor Mike Osborne

PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE! Now at 1a The Square, University of Glasgow.

Join us for an event marking the contributions to research made by Emeritus Prof Mike Osborne through his leadership and support for the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning. The event includes lunch, a series of speakers and closing drinks. See below and in the attached flyer for more information.

While UNESCO has long promoted MIL, its application in adult learning has been underrepresented. To address this, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), in collaboration with UNESCO’s Media and Information Literacy and Digital Competencies Unit and with financial support from Shanghai Open University (SOU), has developed a comprehensive self-learning course for adult educators. This course equips adult educators to combat misinformation and harmful online content by fostering critical thinking and digital literacy, promoting informed and active digital citizenship. 

Photo by Mika Baumeister on unsplash

This webinar is part of the webinar series: ‘Building green, inclusive and climate-resilient urban communities – the learning cities approach’ by the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities. For more information, click here.

event flyer

The University of Stirling is hosting an exploration of the ways in which work and life is increasingly entangled with data and AI. This event is geared towards workers and citizens interested in finding out more about the ways in which they are ‘surveilled’ and ‘surveilling’ in workplaces and society at large. AI expertise is not required! Insightful robust discussions across sectors may also give participants a way to spark similar informed debate in their own contexts as activism, advocacy, or professional learning. A resource package will be available post-event to facilitate this engagement. NB this is a hybrid event with both ace-to-face and online attendance options.

A smiling woman writes on a whiteboard.

To mark World Teachers' Day, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and the UNESCO Section for Teacher Development are co-hosting a webinar exploring how teachers' voices can contribute to haping policies and practices of lifelong learning and how this, in turn, can promote lifelong learning among teachers and learners.

A group of children wearing military-style uniforms.

International rankings place Russia close to the bottom of indices for both peacefulness and democracy, despite opinion polls and surveys showing that the general public embraces democratic ideals. Education at all levels from school to lifelong learning plays a key role in establishing norms and aspirations for peace, security and democracy. Join speakers Yulia Nesterova and Daria Khanolaine for an interactive seminar including presentation and discussion of key insights and reflections from a research project that focussed on education, peace, and security in Russia.

This event is supported by CR&DALL and the British Association for Comparative International Education. It is open to everyone and free of charge.

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