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Summary biography:
Gil is Director of the Active Learning Centre and is also an Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Education, University of Glasgow.
Staff Profile
Until very recently I was Director of the Active Learning Centre, a partner of CR&DALL.
I have worked extensively in overseas development in the area of governance and rights for a number of major clients including the Department for International Development and the European Union. I have a particular interest in rights based approaches to poverty reduction and the rights of women and children. I specialise in civil society work, including research and mapping of civil society and capacity building for NGOs and I was a course director for the British Foreign and Commonwealth’s Chevening Fellowship course on civil society and government relations for five years. Consultancy on civil society includes an evaluation of NGO governance in organisations delivering HIV/AIDS services in Pakistan and a short scoping study, setting out the possibilities of conducting election education for women in Ethiopia at the 2010 elections and most recently work with the TECS project: Tracking Trends in Ethiopian Civil Society.
My work in the area of rights and poverty reduction has emphasised gender and gender mainstreaming, democracy building and women’s participation and the provision of paralegal services. For example, I have worked on 3 year long projects in Zambia and Ethiopia focusing on women’s participation, on a large scale project on girls’ education in Western China and I am currently a management advisor for the End Child Marriage project in Amhara Region in Ethiopia. I initiated and managed for four years a project ‘Legal advice and information in three regions in Ethiopia’ and a similar project working in rural areas in Malawi. These projects have a particular interest in providing access to justice for women and other vulnerable groups.
Selected Publications:
Making Democracy Work: a toolkit for groups taking action on women's issues, (Co-author Kate Phillips) The Active Learning Centre, 1997.
Participation , Women's Empowerment and Poverty, (with Kate Phillips), Gender and Scottish Society Conference, Unit for the Study of Government, Edinburgh University, 1998.
Poverty and the welfare debate , (with Usha Brown) chapter in book for social workers.
Community Profile Resource Pack, second edition, Scottish Poverty Information Unit, July 1999.
Poverty in Scotland, Usha Brown, Gil Long, Carolyn Sawers and Gill Scott, Glasgow Caledonian University, 1999.
Women’s Issues in Local Partnership Working, report for the Scottish Executive, 1999, with Gill Scott, Gil Long, Usha Brown, Jane Mackenzie, 1999.
Integrating Equality for Women: A report for the Commonwealth Trade Union Council, Gil Long and Kate Phillips, 1999.
Good practice Guide for Local Organisers, The Volunteer Handbook, Supporting Learners, practice manuals prepared for Lead (Learning Education and Disability) Scotland, 1999.
Campaigning skills, a handbook for trade unionists (prepared for the International Tailor, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation), 2000.
Women’s participation projects: a rights based approach to social exclusion. A guide for practitioners. Gil Long and Kate Phillips, 2000.
Poverty: Bridging the Gap: guidance notes Gil Long and Kate Phillips and other authors, DFID, 2001.
Poverty Bridging the Gap: an introduction Gil Long and Kate Phillips, DFID, 2001.
The sustainable livelihoods framework: a scoping exercise in Scotland, Gil Long and Kate Phillips, report for Oxfam UK Poverty Programme,2002.
Mapping Civil society in Ethiopia, EU, 2004
Good practice in governance: guidelines for NGOs, Pakistan, 2005, Gil Long and Mark Sinclair
Rights, democracy and political skills for women in Ethiopia: an account of election education for the 2005 elections, British Council, 2005
Rights Advice and Information in three regions of Ethiopia: a practical guide, Gil Long, 2011
Rights Advice Centres: a practical guide to providing legal advice and information services in Malawi, Gil Long, 2012
Legal advice and information in Malawi and Ethiopia: access to justice for poor people, Gil Long, 2013, Journal of Human Rights, Centre for Human Rights, Addis Ababa University.
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