The Developing and Supporting the Curriculum (DSC) Steering Group, has commissioned a project on the Curriculum for Excellence and its impact on universities. The project is being undertaken as a research study, focusing on the impact of the Curriculum for Excellence pedagogical changes for universities, from the perspectives of schools, colleges and universities. The study will research, and contribute towards, the development of a sustainable and productive dialogue between schools, colleges and HEIs, with the involvement of a wide range of cross-sector agencies and organisations, on the impact of the Curriculum for Excellence for HEIs.
The study will give particular consideration to views on learning issues, including transitions; students’ changing expectations of teaching and learning and support needs; managing a more heterogeneous Scottish student intake than currently; the first year curriculum and adapting approaches to teaching and learning in universities; curriculum continuity, assessment and progression; widening access, flexible curricula and different entry routes; changes in achievement, attainment and qualifications and HE staff development and support needs.
The aim will be to identify the different and collective perspectives of senior staff working in the three learning sectors, and others’ working across the sectors, on the extent of current preparation in the HE sector for the impact of Curriculum for Excellence; where further development is required; and whether any new development work is required to address anticipated gaps in provision.
In particular the study will consider:-
1. What is the anticipated impact of Curriculum for Excellence on universities, with particular reference to students' learning experiences, from the perspectives of staff in, and working with, schools, further education colleges and universities?
2. Can staff in schools, further education colleges and universities prepare in advance for the anticipated impact? If so, how?
3. Can staff in schools, further education colleges and universities identify examples of what they consider to be ‘good practice’?
The study is led for the DSC Steering Group by Professor Alyson Tobin, Dean of Science at University of St Andrews and is facilitated by Thelma Barron, Assistant Director, Quality Assurance Authority, Scotland. The study is researched by Dr Lesley Doyle, University of Glasgow and Vivienne Brown, Vivienne Brown Associates
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