Event Archives
Event Date(s) | Event |
Apr 15, 2013 |
Building Lifelong Learning in conditions of closure and siegePresenter(s):
Professor Elaydi outlined the specific conditions of Gaza, which are unique. Gaza is already a learning society with a range of formal provision in family and kindergarten projects, NGOs, schools and universities. Informal provision includes unions, religious institutions and local government learning centers. Yet the learning resources are grossly over stretched. Gaza has a dense population and few natural resources, outside of the people of Gaza who attend 27 institutions of Higher Education.
Jun 18, 2013 |
Adult learning in a distance education context: theoretical and methodological challengesPresenter(s):
Seminar by Dr. Maria Gravani, Open University of Cyprus. The flyer for Dr. Gravani's seminar - giving details of the seminar and a biography of Dr. Gravani - is attached as a pdf below. Unfortunately, no recordings are available of this seminar but Dr. Gravani's presentation is attached as a downloadable file at the foot of this entry.
Feb 21, 2014 |
Men can learn too: engaging excluded men in non-‐formal learningPresenter(s): Rob Mark, Mike Osborne
We are delighted to co-host a seminar on 21 February in conjuction with the Centre for Lifelong Learning at the University of Strathclyde entitled, Men can learn too: engaging excluded men in non‐formal learning. The event is being arranged as a launch of the book ‘Men Learning through life’ is edited by Barry Golding, Rob Mark and Annette Foley (Feb 2014) and two its authors will be speaking. Full details are attached for registration. Everyone is most welcome to attend.

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