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Nov 1, 2012

Joint CR&DALL/GCID Seminar - “Leprosy – challenges for public health policy and social justice”


Professor W Cairns S Smith, OBE,  Emeritus Professor of Public Health, University of Aberdeen spoke on the broad subject of social justice in relation to leprosy and his work, in that context, with the World Health Organisation.

Dec 13, 2012

Positive Leadership in Universities – Mission Impossible?


Positive feelings and experiences support problem-solving skills and the ability toact in an innovative way. Positive experiences are, therefore, interconnected with motivational factors and work performances. Positive psychology asks the question “what we can do right with people and how we can teach people to have more of that?”

Feb 13, 2013

The politics of regulation: Exploring bureaucracy and its consequences for public sector professions

Presenter(s): Mark Murphy

The new bureaucracy of accountability has altered the landscape of public services since its development in the last several decades. In particular, the implementation of quality assurance mechanisms – audit, inspection, performance indicators, evaluation – has opened up the public sector to ever greater scrutiny. As a tool of political regulation, however, they are not without their critics, accused of among other things, undermining professional autonomy, instrumentalising public services and trivialising democracy.

Feb 13, 2013

"Approaches towards Professionalisation in Adult Education: Interpretivist versus competency approach"


The question of professionalisation of adult education in Germany was first raised in the years immediately after the Second World War when the Volkshochschulen (adult education centres) were being reopened and developed. By the 1970s and 1980s a Volkshochschule system was growing,becoming the fourth sector of the German educational system, and the need for qualified adult educators was raised.

Feb 14, 2013

Social Inequalities of Post-secondary Educational Aspirations: influence of social background, school composition and institutional context


Professor Dupriez discussed the core aspects of the recently published article of this title (in the European Educational Research Journal Volume 11 Number 4 2012 www.wwwords.eu/EERJ).

Mar 25, 2013

Adult and Lifelong Learning in the UK and Japan - the definition of a "qualified HE entrance student"


Professor Yanagida considered and described Access to Higher Education programmes in Japan and the transition of learners from senior school to higher education. He further outlined remedial practice for students in higher education in Japan.

He then went on to compare Access programmes in England and Scotland with those of Japan and will finish his presentation by examining the possibilities for future co-operation between Japan and the UK.

Mar 26, 2013

Cross-sectoral Approaches to Building Sustainable Opportunity Cities


Cities almost everywhere are challenged by a raft of big issues resulting from on-going urbanisation, environment protection issues, public safety concerns, and demographic change in a context of growing inequality in many countries, social fragmentation and decline in social capital, high unemployment, and overall more individualistic societies.

These challenges provide the context for the PASCAL International Exchanges (PIE), initiated by the PASCAL International Observatory (which has its European base at the University of Glasgow) to provide for online exchanges of ideas and experience between cities around the world. At present 16 cities across 5 continents participate in PIE. These include Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Cork, Bielefeld and a number of African cities (Dar es Salaam, Kampala, Dakar, Gaborone, Addis Ababa). Summary stimulus papers for all cities may be read on the PIE web site.

Mar 27, 2013

The development of a network of learning cities and a learning city index

Presenter(s): Norman Longworth, Jin Yang

In recent years, several studies have shown that the creation of learning cities has become an effective instrument in promoting lifelong learning in the international community, despite various challenges. A nation aspiring to build a learning society or develop a lifelong learning system may use the names ‘learning cities’, ‘learning regions’ or ‘learning communities’ to mobilise or encourage their local authorities. To facilitate the development of learning cities in the international community, a truly global network of learning cities is needed.


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